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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello 2011

So this is the start of a brand new year, a brand new blog, and the continuation of a not so new weight loss goal.

I've been trying to lose weight since I was probably 12 years old. I've always been chubby, and I've never been happy with that.

I am 24 years old, currently weigh 173 pounds and am 5'5". The heaviest I've ever been was 185. That's when I started trying to lose the weight for real. I took part in a weight loss study two years ago and lost down to 165 over three months. Part of what made that so successful  for me was the accountability.
Every two weeks I had to show a nutritionist my food diary and to weigh. Every other week I met with a physical trainer to go over a changes in my exercise plan.

The over-all plan was simple: Eat Healthier and Exercise
Eat more veg and fruit, cut out junk food, and cut back on carbs and dairy
Exercise at least three times a week, with cardio and strength training

This is my plan for 2011 - I will use the diet plan, I will exercise, and I will lose this weight.

Through losing weight, I hope to gain self-confidence and strength.

This year I will be who I want to be, and nobody - especially me - is going to stop me!

If you are also trying to live healthier or have tips, please let me know.
I will report at least twice a week on my progress, and I'd love to hear about yours.

Happy New Year